Vines & Vittles

with John Brown

WINE ON THE WEB: Natalie Maclean

As I’ve almost evangelistically proclaimed over the years: “Brothers and Sisters, you got to drink that wine with victuals. Say hallelujah!” Both the wine and the food are enhanced and your sensory pleasure is doubled. One of the best websites I’ve found to get up-to-date information on matching food and wine is:

Natalie MacLean, awawrd-winning author of the website, is also author of “Red, White and Drunk All Over: A Wine-Soaked Journey from Grape to Glass.” The link above is not just a place to find special occasion food and wine matches. MacLean’s says her matching tool pairs wines with everyday meals, as well as challenging fare, such as vegetarian cuisine, egg-based sauces, cheese, TV dinners, and even dessert, including Jell-O and fudge (for those who like to layer their vices).

Check it out.


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