Vines & Vittles

with John Brown

Check out WineBoy’s Vino-Vignettes

If you haven’t yet seen my alter-ego on the big screen, you need to tune in by clicking on the WineBoy webcast list below. This is the fourth in a series of five shows dealing with the five S’s of wine appreciation. So far, I’ve told you about Sight, Swirl, Sniff and now Sip (my favorite) and next week we’ll feature the last “S” swallow. The webcasts feature about two-thirds wine education and one-third complete and utter foolishness from the depths of my diseased brain.

On this episode four, I’m recommending you try a lovely and inexpensive chardonnay. In the past three episodes, I’ve also recommended specific wine for your drinking pleasure. You’ll have to view the webcasts to find out. Let me know what you think about WineBoy and how we can improve these little vino-vignettes for you.


2 responses to “Check out WineBoy’s Vino-Vignettes”

  1. Chalone Avatar

    Are there any wine tasting groups in the Kanawha Valley? I’m moving back to WV soon and would like to join others who enjoy experiencing wines. Any info would be appreciated!

  2. WineBoy Avatar

    Chalone: I know the Wine Shop at Capitol Market has regular wine tastings which are open to the public. Call them at 304-343-9463 and get the latest tasting schedule. You might also visit Blues BBQ on Leon Sullivan Way (304-720-7873. They have an excellent selection of wines by the glass preserved by the area’s only nitrogen system. In case you fancy a brew every now and then, they also have the state’s best selection of craft beers, many of which are on tap. In addition, the proprietors of Vandalia Lounge conduct monthly tastings at their 212 Hale St. location in downtown Charleston. Call them (304-343-4110) for the tasting schedule. There is also a chapter of Les Amis Du Vin (The Friends of Wine) which meets monthly. I don’t have a contact for them, but will try and find out and post it in my blog. Welcome back!

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