One of the most unique individuals I’ve ever met, Kay Dillon, is proprietor of Okay’s at 222 Leon Sullivan Way in Charleston. Kay is not only one of the most informed bar-keeps I’ve ever encountered, she is also a trained psychologist (which I feel should be a pre-requisite for tending bar), caring mother, devotee of music and all the arts, and just an all around wonderful lady.
Okay’s is more than just a bar. It is a state of mind and a little oasis where you can whet your whistle, engage in some great conversation or just sit at the bar and watch Miss Kay flit from table to bar, to table greeting, hugging, serving, schmoozing and generally doing what only she can do at a pace which is at once dizzying and bewildering.
In the short time she has been associated with Okay’s (and the predessor business, Blues Barbecue), Kay has served the most comprehensive variety of beers of any place I’ve visited in this state. And her wine selections are both eclectic and well thought out with an emphasis on quality and value. Oh, by the way, her pizza is excellent too!
Unfortunately, Okay’s is in peril of closing. Through a series of personal misfortunes Kay has experienced in recent months, Okay’s is in dire need of your immediate patronage if the establishment is to survive. I hope all my readers and friends will come in to Okay’s soon, belly up to the bar, drink in the atmosphere (she has live music too), sip a beer or glass of wine and have some really good food.
Our town needs Okay’s!
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